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team badge idea

anyone into IR projects? I'm thinking of a "simple" badge design where badges will sync up a blinking pattern

seems like there are a lot of "firefly" projects out there already, but so far I've only seen them work in darkness with photo resistors or diodes.

team badge idea | protoboard draft

2018-02-19 23:29:09

The ArduinoISP with all the LEDS, routed for soldering comfort, we'll fix that in software.

One of the four attiny45 Segments with IR communication.

The hole pcb.

team badge idea | protoboard draft

2018-02-19 23:29:09

The ArduinoISP with all the LEDS, routed for soldering comfort, we'll fix that in software.

One of the four attiny45 Segments with IR communication.

The hole pcb.