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Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon

but more stuff in it, than @benchoffs design I took the liberty to take.

After two hours of trying to import and fix the STLs from Mr. @Benchoffs I'm now pretty sure I designed it all by myself. Well no. I didn't. But now that I have everything in 123D Design, I can start hollowing out the parts and add some LEDs and servos to make it move around and spit out those funky 12Hz red and blue LED pulses, that made 635 kids puke and almost stop the show. My inner continuity guy tells me to tell you that it actually was Pikachus fault, he made those rockets go bang and then the screen flickered. But nevermind. LED eyes it is. and servo legs. This might be a Sci-Fi Contest worthy entry, hope le benchoff doesn't mind.

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | I took no pictures, so here is a horrible fritzing "schematic"

2017-03-05 15:09:16

The walking puppy Sketch for the Arduino is in the file section, as is this picture and the latest, unprinted revision of 3D files. There is still no glue and the perfect version would have to have a 2 part head section and screws on the body. Take a bigger battery though, something like >160mAh?

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | I took no pictures, so here is a horrible fritzing "schematic"

2017-03-05 15:09:16

The walking puppy Sketch for the Arduino is in the file section, as is this picture and the latest, unprinted revision of 3D files. There is still no glue and the perfect version would have to have a 2 part head section and screws on the body. Take a bigger battery though, something like >160mAh?

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | Needs another revision or two

2017-03-04 03:06:52

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | Needs another revision or two

2017-03-04 03:06:52

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | This will be enough to work with

2017-03-03 19:46:16

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | This will be enough to work with

2017-03-03 19:46:16

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | dual sided power rail thing

2017-03-03 16:48:43

inspired by Game Boy Pi Zero hackers and the pure need to solder man servos to ground and vcc...

Order from OSH Park

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | dual sided power rail thing

2017-03-03 16:48:43

inspired by Game Boy Pi Zero hackers and the pure need to solder man servos to ground and vcc...

Order from OSH Park

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | legs and tail have servo horn mountings

2017-02-26 21:03:36

off to the printer ... so many great projects in the contest and I want that oscilloscope - but I can probably forget about that already :D head is another topic, soonish, we're all on a deadline.

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | legs and tail have servo horn mountings

2017-02-26 21:03:36

off to the printer ... so many great projects in the contest and I want that oscilloscope - but I can probably forget about that already :D head is another topic, soonish, we're all on a deadline.

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | head hollowed out, eyes prepared for flux leds

2017-02-16 09:51:13

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | head hollowed out, eyes prepared for flux leds

2017-02-16 09:51:13

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | spend more time with the model

2017-02-15 12:15:51

The cavity should be big enough for the electronics. I cut off a bit of the tail. first body print was pretty good. I had to make some adjustments for the servo cables.

I still need to:

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | spend more time with the model

2017-02-15 12:15:51

The cavity should be big enough for the electronics. I cut off a bit of the tail. first body print was pretty good. I had to make some adjustments for the servo cables.

I still need to:

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | skeleton work

2017-02-13 22:55:48

I've done some 3D sketching, servos are the classic SG90 servos, I still need to fit LEDs, an Arduino/ESP and a battery pack in there.

Porygon V2 - but not the evolution of Porygon | skeleton work

2017-02-13 22:55:48

I've done some 3D sketching, servos are the classic SG90 servos, I still need to fit LEDs, an Arduino/ESP and a battery pack in there.