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Pimp my breadboard

just some tips, tricks and ideas for making breadboards more appealing

Pimp my breadboard | Episode two

2018-05-03 10:55:17

I totally forgot that I've created a project for this, but that only shows how important pink breadboards are to me! Here's part two of the series on my endeavour to get some nice breadboards. Next time I'll focusing on the power supply adapters you can get on ebay and will do something fun with them.

I've gotten some input again and will try with more small white breadboards, thankfully they're very cheap on aliexpress - I got ten for 3,4 Euros. I'll experiment with exposure time and a thinner solution.

The solution I've used this time is called "Rit Dye" and is meant for dyeing synthetic clothes and this time it worked well! Thanks to @WooDWorkeR  who gave me the link to this I was pretty sure it would work this time and the results look very cool, a bit cherry red because they were probably exposed for too long. 

The spray paint doesn't look that bad either but will probably scratched of in the long run. 

Pimp my breadboard | Episode two

2018-05-03 10:55:17

I totally forgot that I've created a project for this, but that only shows how important pink breadboards are to me! Here's part two of the series on my endeavour to get some nice breadboards. Next time I'll focusing on the power supply adapters you can get on ebay and will do something fun with them.

I've gotten some input again and will try with more small white breadboards, thankfully they're very cheap on aliexpress - I got ten for 3,4 Euros. I'll experiment with exposure time and a thinner solution.

The solution I've used this time is called "Rit Dye" and is meant for dyeing synthetic clothes and this time it worked well! Thanks to @WooDWorkeR  who gave me the link to this I was pretty sure it would work this time and the results look very cool, a bit cherry red because they were probably exposed for too long. 

The spray paint doesn't look that bad either but will probably scratched of in the long run. 

Pimp my breadboard | Episode one

2018-04-22 08:37:07

Yesterday I was filming me trying to use a textile dye to get a different colored breadboard and also tried to bleach a red breadboard into something more pinkish. There will be more tests, also got some great ideas and input. 

Pimp my breadboard | Episode one

2018-04-22 08:37:07

Yesterday I was filming me trying to use a textile dye to get a different colored breadboard and also tried to bleach a red breadboard into something more pinkish. There will be more tests, also got some great ideas and input.